GB Newcomer & Immigrant Women’s Collective

Grey Bruce Newcomer and Immigrant Women’s Collective is for ALL women residing in Grey-Bruce who were not born in Canada, including: permanent residents, citizens, and those who are neither (e.g. international students, refugee claimants, women on visitor or work visa etc.) With the support of Welcoming Communities Grey Bruce and Community Foundation Grey Bruce, the Collective completed a two-year strategic plan that include proposed activities to connect with newcomer and immigrant women as well as other community stakeholders throughout the region.

Our mission is to provide a safe space for newcomer and immigrant women in Grey-Bruce to connect, support and empower each other, and to cultivate a relationship with the community at large that enhances the women’s social, economic and civic integration. We envision a diverse and inclusive Grey-Bruce where newcomer and immigrant women are treated justly, and have opportunities to grow in their social, work and civic lives, as well as to contribute to their communities.

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