Past Initiatives

Since 2006, the Welcoming Communities Grey Bruce has been partnering with different organizations and levels of governments in a variety of projects and programs which all tribute to creating a welcoming environment in Grey Bruce for residents and newcomers.

Making Grey Bruce Home

February 2018 – March 2019 This pilot project was a partnership between United Way of Bruce Grey and Welcoming Communities Grey Bruce, and was funded by the Government of Ontario with support from the Community Foundation Grey Bruce and Power Workers Union. It...

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New to Grey hosted by Grey County

This 15-month initiative conducted by Grey County in 2017 and 2018 was funded by the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration. This initiative focused on building capacity and partnerships to aid in retention and attraction efforts by becoming a welcoming community,...

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About Us

Welcoming Grey Bruce is the official website of the Welcoming Communities Grey Bruce, a not-for-profit organization committed to building a welcoming and inclusive community for all residents in the region.