Training for Employers
This 2-hour interactive workshop aims to foster understanding in the challenges newcomers face when settling in a new environment of a rural community, highlight the benefits of having cultural diversity within the community and workplace, build awareness of basic fundamentals in intercultural competence. This training has been tested jointly by the Making Grey Bruce Home project and Grey County’s New to Grey project, and is highly recommended by participating employers from different communities throughout Grey Bruce.
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Training for Service Providers
This 3-hour interactive workshop enhances the capacity of front line workers and administration staff to identify and overcome barriers of providing services and connecting newcomers with resources. Participants will build skills and knowledge around cultural competence and cultural humility. The training has been tested by the Making Grey Bruce Home project, and is highly recommended by the participants from 40 organizations and agencies. A condensed 90-minute version of the training is available to organizations with time constraints.
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Training for Volunteer Mentors
This 3-hour interactive training is for individuals in Grey Bruce who are interested in becoming volunteer mentors to newcomers. Participants will learn the stages of mentorship, explore their own strengths and challenges as a mentor, find out how to help newcomers access resources for their settlement needs, and build skills and knowledge in supporting newcomers. The training has been tested by the Making Grey Bruce Home project, and is highly recommended by the participants who are members from Grey Bruce communities and volunteers from service provider organizations.
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