How does a small group become an ever-expanding network?
In 2005 a small group came together as a response to community needs. Today we are growing into a region-wide impact network of individuals and organizations that have an interest in making Grey Bruce inclusive and welcoming to all.
wcgb Timeline
Inclusive Communities Committee
The Inclusive Communities Committee was the original community group that became the Welcoming Communities Initiative and WCGB. Membership has grown and changed but the focus on inclusivity, welcoming and addressing racism and discrimination remains.
Grey Bruce One World Festival
A one-day festival to celebrate diversity in Grey Bruce began in 2010 as a response to racism and discrimination in the region. Annual participation up to 1,000 children from regional schools. Annual funding ranges from 5,000 – 12,000 from Heritage Canada, Bruce Power, ETFO and others. Partners: WCGB, ETFO, Tom Thomson Art Gallery, Library, M’Wikwedong Indigenous Cultural Resource Centre
Grey Bruce Welcoming Communities Initiative
A new group created because of community concerns about the lack of settlement and welcoming services for newcomers: Two community meetings with community and agency stakeholders looked at the need for a community response for newcomers, immigrants, and refugees.
Grey Bruce Newcomer Network
A group of volunteers (involved with Welcoming Communities Initiative) developed and conducted training for volunteers who wished to be mentors for newcomers, set up a network to match newcomers with trained volunteers and developed the Good Neighbours Network and Mentor Toolkit.
Rural Economic Development Newcomer Grant
6-month project funded by OMAFRA with WCGB in partnership with United Way Bruce Grey to build capacity and to support, integrate and attract refugees and newcomers in Grey Bruce.
New to Grey
Funded by Ontario Municipal Affairs to Grey County in partnership with WCGB to make Grey County more attractive by training employers, service providers and the public in all 9 municipalities in Grey County.
Making Grey Bruce Home
$161,576 from Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, WCGB in partnership with United Way Bruce Grey to develop, implement and evaluate a rural model to support the social and economic integration of refugees and newcomers.
Rural Pathways for Newcomer Women in Grey Bruce
$246,576 from Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada in partnership with United Way Bruce Grey to research and develop new pathways to employment for newcomer women in rural communities without settlement services. As well this year, Welcoming Communities Grey Bruce receives notification of Incorporation.
Making Grey Bruce Home for International Talent
$50,000 from OMAFRA and Georgian College. Partnership project (County of Grey, WCGB, Georgian College) to build supports for international students, and retain skilled workers and potential citizens in the region.
Promoting Diversity & Inclusion in Rural Workplaces
$94,000 from Canadian Heritage in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce Owen Sound and District to make workplaces more inclusive for newcomers, and visible minorities and to build capacity, develop tools and training approaches.
Everyone Belongs in Grey Bruce
$25,000 from Community Foundation Canada to research and develop an Social Enterprise Business Plan for WCGB. $33,000 from Community Foundation Canada to build organizational capacity and build community connections to launch the Everyone Belongs Initiative.