We invite people to see themselves as agents of wanted change, with a share and say in the future.

Manpreet Kaur Sangha

joined 2003

founding member, chair

Manpreet is an Economic Development Officer with Bruce County, and sits on the Grey Bruce Local Immigration Partnership. Before moving to Grey Bruce, she worked as an Economic Development Officer for the City of Estevan, Saskatchewan. She was on the Board of Directors with the Saskatchewan Summer Games as the Director of Ceremonies and Protocol. She has a MBA and Bachelor Degrees in Economics and Business Administration.

David Morris

joined 2003

founding member,vice-chair

David has a Bachelor and Master of Science in Crop Science from The University of Guelph. Prior to retirement, he worked for the Ministry of Agriculture and Food and as a self-employed consultant (research, coordination, crop production, soil management).  He volunteered for many years with Grey Bruce Newcomer Network and most recently with the New to Grey and Making Grey Bruce Home newcomer projects. He is a member of the GBLIP, representing WCGB and sits on the Advisory Committee of Grey Bruce Settlement and Language Services. He is also a member of the Owen Sound Field Naturalists and leads outings featuring some of the interesting plants that grow in this area.

Azar Azad

joined 2020

founding member, treasurer

Azar Azad joined the WCGB Board in 2020 and is the board Treasurer.  She describes herself as a serial entrepreneur with a doctorate in medical diagnostics, a Ph.D. in clinical biochemistry, and more than 25 years of experience working in major healthcare systems and developing partnerships and collaborations with the pharmaceutical and biotech industries. She is passionate about early cancer detection and improving patients’ quality of life. She is the CEO and founder of an artificial intelligence company and volunteers at GBHS and WCGB.  Azar took the lead on a WCGB partnership project with Georgian College in 2020 called Making Grey Bruce Home for International Talent (Nov. 2020-March 2021) and she manages the WCGB Facebook page.

Colleen Purdon

joined 2003

founding member, secretary

Colleen has worked on national, provincial and regional community development projects focusing on violence prevention, poverty and womens’ equality issues in rural communities. She worked as the Executive Director of The Women’s Centre (Grey Bruce) and Coordinator for Violence Prevention Grey Bruce. Colleen is a founding member of the Inclusive Communities Committee and the Grey Bruce One World Festival. She has chaired the Making Grey Bruce Home Advisory Committee, and is currently co-chairing the Rural Pathways for Newcomer Women project. Colleen has a Bachelor of Music and Diploma in Music Therapy.

Sadhana Prasad

joined 2022

Sadhana immigrated to Canada in 1967 and practiced as a physician specializing in Geriatrics for 33 years in the Kitchener Waterloo area. She moved to Owen Sound in 2020 and brings her clinical, educational, and administrative experience in medicine to WCGB. Sadhana has received several awards, including the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Award for community service and the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario Council award for exceptional service. Since moving to Owen Sound, Sadhana works part time as consultant geriatrician and at the Partnership Table of the Grey Bruce Ontario Health Team as a member of the MD/NP Council.

Avion Campbell

joined 2024

Avion Campbell is a dedicated individual with a diverse educational background and a passion for serving his community. He holds degrees in Computer Data Operations, Social Work, Community Development, and a Master of Education, 
Avion’s commitment to community service is evident through his various volunteer roles. Currently, he holds the position of Human Rights and Equity Advisor for Bluewater District School Board, where he advocates for equality and inclusivity, reviews policies, investigates Human Rights complaints and advises senior and school leadership on matters related to human rights and equity. 

Sharon Safra

joined 2024

Bio coming soon

Kristina Abela

joined 2024

I was happy to join the board of Welcoming Communities Grey Bruce in June 2024 because it allows me to contribute to our community and channel my passion for supporting diverse people in Grey and Bruce counties. I will continue the work that Welcoming Communities has been doing particularly through the Everyone Belongs initiative. For the past 13 years I have worked in social services, supporting persons with barriers in the employment sphere, and this work aligns well with
the values of Welcoming Communities. I am passionate about supporting individuals with barriers and have worked with clients with progressive dementia, mental health challenges, substance misuse, disabilities, and newcomers to Canada.

Previous board members

Mokless Hassan, Muna Shrestha, Donald Anderson, Shayna Beeksma, Olga Spys

Annual Reports