2021 Annual General Meeting – June 22, 7:00 pm

Welcoming Communities Grey Bruce will hold its second Annual General Meeting on Tuesday June 22nd from 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm.

The AGM will be a ZOOM meeting and we welcome all members and interested people to attend. There will be a report on the activities and accomplishments of Welcoming Communities Grey Bruce over the past year, the election of Board Members, and presentation of financial and administrative reports. This is also a time when we can reflect with members and supporters about the work we are doing and think together about next steps for the organization.

If you would like to attend the the AGM and participate in the virtual ‘ZOOM’ meeting, please contact cpurdon@bmts.com, Board Secretary and she will send you the zoom link.

We are looking forward to seeing you on Tuesday June 22nd, 2021 at 7:00pm!