Grey Bruce Inclusive Communities

The Inclusive Communities Committee is a group of individuals and organizations that work together to celebrate diversity in our Grey Bruce community.  The committee was founded in 2006 to address racism and discrimination towards Indigenous peoples in Grey Bruce.  For the past 8 years, the committee has focused its attention on celebrating our diversity in Grey Bruce through its annual Grey Bruce One World Festival held every year in May in Owen Sound.  Over 1,000 children from all over Grey Bruce attend this one day festival every year.

The Committee has held two successful ‘Weaving Our Communities’ conferences, developed a training module on racism and discrimination for service providers and community organizations, and held two community forums (Weaving Paths Forward in 2018 and Us and Them Workshop 2019). 

Community Forum Report (2018):  Weaving Paths Forward – Truth and Reconciliation Final Report:  Learning and Action  (insert link to pdf)

Building Inclusive Communities Workplace Training (2011):  insert link to pdf

For more information, and to see pictures from the Grey Bruce One World Festivals from 2010-2019 go to